Studio Promo Project
For this project, the objective was to create four promotional mailers for a studio that we made up. My studio was called "JessiCreations." For these illustrations, they each had to connect to each other and display a visual metaphors.
These were my sketches.
1. Resilience - a windy tree in a storm.
2. Transformation - a cocoon on the tree branch from the first illustration, emerging from the cocoon is a butterfly.
3. Harmony - music notes traveling in the wind.
4. Illumination - the sun in the sky.
My feedback was to fill the space a little better and also add the word to the illustration.
Here is finished Resilience.
Here is finished Transformation.
Here is finished Harmony.
Here is finished Illumination.
I used a coffee stain for the background and used a vintage style for my finished mailers.